TBEC® offers guidance and assistance to students applying for summer learning programs. Taking part in a summer program abroad is an ideal way for you to cultivate new skills, interact with students sharing common interests, experience living on a college campus, gain international perspectives, and obtain college credit, if applicable.

From business-oriented programs to creative writing classes and intensive engineering college-level courses, summer programs for high school students are available in almost all academic fields. International students can opt for residential programs or commute to classes by living off campus.

Our services aim to find and help you apply for an ideal learning experience from two weeks to two months, and include:

  • Discussion of goals you hope to achieve through the program
  • Research to find the best programs to suit your requirements
  • Meeting with you to finalize list of programs to apply for
  • Outlining eligibility and application requirements
  • Charting a timeline for application well within the deadline
  • Making a list of supporting materials, including test scores & transcripts
  • Helping you choose and prepare for the teacher recommendation
  • Guiding you in writing the personal statement or essay
  • Assistance with filling and submission of the application
  • Weighing acceptances to zero in on your ideal summer program